Wednesday, December 14, 2011

College Talk - Questions, Comments, Queries?

Considering I'll be leaving Bloomfield this Friday, I figured I'd start a blog for anyone that wants to know any information regarding college or ask any questions about my own college experience. Anything from dorm rooms, dinning halls, classes, to social life on or off campus you are interested in talking about go for it. College is an exciting new experience for all freshmen and it can be helpful to discuss some interesting aspects of it before diving in head first.  It would have been great if we had time to have a class discussion on anything college related to feed into your curiosities on the topic but because that opportunity did not present itself, I figured this would be the best alternative.

Keep comments appropriate, but ultimately this is for you to benefit from and hopefully it can help you feel more comfortable leaving high school and entering college next Fall.


  1. This is a practice comment, meant to test the speed of the blogger's response time in case a student should need to ask a question and he/she desires an immediate answer :)

  2. Well I hope my comment is speedy enough to satisfy the blogger's need for an immediate response, but considering the NY Giants are currently attempting to reach the Super Bowl I think I should get some leeway. Hope the second half of the school year is going well!

  3. Well, the Giants were lucky that San Fran fumbled. But that being said, I do want them to annihilate the Patriots' Super Bowl dreams. I will count football watching as an acceptable excuse. The second half of the year is going well, now it's just a waiting game to hear back from colleges. Hey, I know...walk over to the admissions office and ask if I got into Geneseo. Then let me know! Otherwise I'll be forced to go to some other state school or private university and become a biology major. Today in AP Life Skills we discussed possible restaurants to enact the "mission". Mr. Geary ruled out Applebees. You should come back some time and visit. I bet you miss us all terribly.

  4. Lucky? I don't think the outcome would have changed whether or not they fumbled but thats my biased opinion talking. And don't worry, they will definitely destroy the Pats in the Super Bowl. If I could simply walk over to the admin's office in Erwin and pull out your file to see if you've been accepted into Geneseo I would, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of pull at this school (I'll work on it though). Was there any specific reason for ruling out Applebees for the "mission"? Maybe its not enough of a challenge? I think you should frame some pictures of you guys and Nicole can put them on the walls of Wendy's. Start a new trend there that all Wendy's across the country will follow. You're right, I do miss Bloomfield but Geneseo has got me pretty busy already and its only the second week of the semester. Should be a good one though.

  5. Well, see, if the 49ers hadn't fumbled then they would have scored first and won. But thanks to the NFL's new overtime rules, the Giants won. I think you should work on gaining access to student files. Pull your Long Island accent on them-it might give you an air of distinction that could gain you a job in admissions and file access. Apparently, the wall decorations in Applebees are too symmetrical. No room to fit anything in. I'll keep you updated on other possibilities. I have a semi-legit actual question regarding Geneseo's student life. Have you been to any history club meeting lately? Do you discuss politics, and the Republican race? Any crazy Romney supporters or Gingrich fans? Santorum? Also, is there a mock "State of Geneseo" union that the president of this club presents? Would it follow similar form to the real SOTU, where you all would stand up and clap after every other word out of said person's mouth? Additionally, have you purchased souvenir clothing from this organization? What is this year's logo? I would think you would love wearing such an article of clothing proudly around campus.

  6. My Long Island accent was revamped over winter break so that might actually do the trick. I definitely would not have thought that Applebees' wall decor would be too symmetrical, but then again I haven't been to an Applebees in a while. To try and answer your questions, I haven't been to a History Club meeting yet this semester but I do know that we have discussed politics before in previous meetings. There is also a club called Republicans of Geneseo, which I am not a part of but I have heard they analyze all of the GOP candidates. In regards to the "State of Geneseo", I don't think we have anything like that but now that you mention it I sort of wish we did because it would be very entertaining. Finally, no I haven't bought any souvenir clothing from this non-existant organization (SOG) or the History Club for the sole reason that I do not really like the color that they use for their merchandise. I do proudly wear Club Baseball sweatshirts around camps (but thats probably because I designed the logo).

  7. I see. You never let on you were artistically gifted...what does this baseball logo look like? Also, what classes are you taking now that it's your last semester? Is this where they teach you all the mind games that teachers seem to know? You would be proud, Mr. Geary has not let up on the mind games. Sometimes I'm able to get them out of him. Do you have any job prospects? Also, if you were to work in admissions, what would you say to a prospective student to get them to come to Geneseo? I'm getting more and more acceptance letters, so it's going to be hard to narrow down a school. Besides, if I don't get into Geneseo then your prediction of my becoming a history major might not come true.

    1. I never had many opportunities to use art while I was at Bloomfield but I do like to think that I am semi-artistic. The logo is a circle that combines two tones of gray and white to show Geneseo and Mudcats (our team name) around the outside of it with a 3D baseball in the middle behind a capital "G". During my last semester I am taking four courses: History 271 - History of Latin America since 1825, History 342 - Imperial and Revolutionary Russia, Geography 261 - Geography of the United States, and History 391 - Senior Seminar: Contesting Citizenship. The Senior Seminar is basically just a long paper (roughly 30 to 40 pages) that we have to research and write over the course of the semester. I am also fulfilling my foreign language requirements at Genesee Community College by taking American Sign Language III. I finished all of my Ed. requirements so I don't get to learn any more about the mind tricks we teachers play on our students. I think that with time in the classroom I'll really master the technique. No job prospects yet, but I am going to start sending out my resume to a bunch of school districts within the next few months. Also, much like what Mr. Geary and I told you during AP Life Skills, I think Geneseo makes sense economically. It provides a high quality education for a minimal cost. Where have you gotten accepted to so far and have you received any scholarships?

  8. Well your baseball logo sounds very impressive. Although I must admit, the name "Mudcats" is very interesting. What exactly does a mud cat look like? A muddy house cat, or muddy lion? The word on the street is that Geneseo is not very competitive athletically. But I'm sure that with a name like Mudcats, your baseball team evokes fear wherever they go. It sounds like you have a very action packed semester ahead! As a history major do you only take history classes? Is there room for other electives? If I am to become a history or education major, I would also like to be well rounded and learn a variety of other skills of course. We'll see, I've given thought to teaching lately. Mr. Geary keeps giving me reasons that I will become one. Who knows! Are you considering going to graduate school? If so, which ones? I have gotten in a lot of schools, and practically every college has offered me a scholarship. I've gotten into SUNY Oneonta and SUNY Oswego both with merit scholarships, and SUNY Binghamton. The state schools are very affordable compared to private universities so I'll see. I've also gotten in to a handful of private schools, Westminster College, Allegheny College, Drexel University, Alfred University, etc. all with scholarships. I won't list them all out for you-there's quite a lot. I'm still waiting to hear back from my top private schools though. Oh, and Geneseo. Why are they so late? How's your quest to work in admissions going? You better hurry up-I should think a job in the SUNY Geneseo admissions department would look outstanding on any job application. If I ever hear back from Geneseo, and if you haven't graduated by then, would you consider giving me a tour so I could see the history and education departments? I have to do my research on all future majors.

  9. A Mudcat is actually a southern term for a Catfish, which is definitely not the most intimidating mascot. I honestly have no idea how the name was adopted to our team but I know it has been around for a long time. Geneseo's mascot is actually a Knight but since we are a club team we cannot use the official mascot of the university. This semester is definitely a busy one but I enjoy the opportunity to take more classes and expand my historical knowledge. If you decide to become a History major with Adolescence Certification at Geneseo you will definitely have the opportunity for other electives. Geneseo is a Liberal Arts University, which means that you will be well versed in many areas of study such as Art, Humanities, Science, Math and Language. I am definitely still considering graduate school and right now I am specifically looking into the University of Albany and taking classes online so I have some mobility with where I want to teach. Congrats on your college acceptances! I am sure you will be happy and receive a great education wherever you end up going. Unfortunately, I have not been able to sneak into the Admissions building yet to see if you have been accepted here. I think the best thing to do if you get in is to take a full tour of the school and if you want I can show you those departments as well but I definitely don't know as much as the tour guides do about the school.
